
Harrison Ritz

C.V. Starr Fellow
Princeton University
hritz (at) princeton.edu

How do we change our state of mind?

My research explores the dynamics of cognitive control — e.g., attention, decision strategies, or task sets — though the lens of optimal control theory. I try to make progress on these questions through a combination of empirical experiments (e.g., psychophysics, fMRI, EEG/OPM) and computational modelling (e.g., evidence accumulation, neural network modeling, state space inference, inverse optimal control).

I completed my BSc at Queen’s University and my MSc at University of Western Ontario, working with Ingrid Johnsrude. During my PhD at Brown University I worked with Amitai Shenhav, Michael J. Frank, and Matthew Nassar.

I am currently a C.V. Starr Fellow at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, working with Jonathan Cohen, Nathaniel Daw, and Jonathan Pillow.
[Curriculum Vitae]


Journal Publications




2018 - 2021

Conference Proceedings & Extended Abstracts

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